This algorithm is just muscle memory in my hands and wasn’t as easy to explain in words as I thought. To help teach my 5yo nephew I wanted clear, simple steps. Some clever chap ? 🧠 came up with this which I learned an age ago.

Step 1: Form a Daisy

  1. Start by creating a white plus sign (the petals) on the yellow face (center).
  2. Align each white petal’s adjacent color with its matching middle-row center color.
  3. Once matched, rotate the petal 180° to move it to the bottom face.
    • Repeat this process for all petals until you form a white cross on the bottom face.

Step 2: Fill in the White Corners (“Chase the White Dogs”)

  1. Find any white corner pieces on the bottom layer (the “dogs”).
  2. Rotate the bottom layer to position a white corner directly below its matching color. For example, a white/green corner should be under the green side.
  3. Bring the corner into the white face by rotating the side it’s under downward, “scooping” the corner piece into place.
    • Repeat until the entire white face is completed, and the bottom row edges align with their center colors.

Step 3: Solve the Middle Row

  1. Identify edge pieces on the bottom layer that do not contain yellow (e.g., an orange/blue edge).
  2. Determine the direction the piece needs to move: left or right.
  3. Follow this sequence to place it:
    • Turn the bottom layer away from the target destination.
    • Rotate the bottom layer towards the destination.
    • Move the corresponding side of the middle layer downward.
    • Rotate the middle layer toward the destination.
    • Move the same side of the middle layer upward.
    • Restore the white cross if needed.
    • Repeat until all middle-row edges are in place.

Step 4: Create a Yellow Plus

  1. Use the FUR-RUF sequence:
    • Front, Up, Right, Right, Up, Front.
    • Repeat this pattern until you form a yellow cross on the top face.

Step 5: Align the Yellow Corners (“Feed the Yellow Fish”)

  1. Look for a “yellow fish” pattern on the top face (a yellow triangle or “arrow”).
  2. Perform this sequence:
    • Rotate the Right face clockwise twice.
    • Rotate the Top face counter-clockwise once.
    • Rotate the Right face clockwise again.
    • Rotate the Top face clockwise once.
    • Flip the cube so the yellow face remains on top, then rotate the Top face counter-clockwise.

Step 6: Match Top Corners

  1. Find two adjacent corners with matching side colors. Position them so they face the correct side.
  2. Use this sequence to adjust the corners:
    • Counter-clockwise, Clockwise, Counter-clockwise, Flip, Clockwise, Counter-clockwise, Counter-clockwise, Flip, Flip.
    • Repeat as needed until all corners align with their sides.

Step 7: Solve the Final Layer

  1. Finish the cube with this sequence: Flip, Clockwise x3, Counter-clockwise x5, Clockwise, Counter-clockwise.
  2. Adjust any remaining misaligned edges by repeating this pattern.